
King James
ADA Handicap
Horseshoe Garage2013
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First impressions matter – fresh line striping  increases curb appeal, traffic flow and especially SAFETY!

We set up parking lots for all kinds of buildings and complexes.
Striping for Apartment Building parking lots requires adherence to the needs of the building.  Office buildings also have specific parking lot striping issues that must be addressed.  Reserved spaces, visitor
spaces and no parking zones are important as well as
disabled spaces.
All parking lots must have a sufficient number of ADA spaces and each space should be designed for the appropriate need and be striped accordingly.   Accessible parking spaces for cars must have at least a 60-inch-wide access aisle located adjacent to the designated parking space. The access aisle is just wide enough to permit
a person using a wheelchair to enter or exit the car.
Van-accessible parking spaces require a wider access aisle (96”)
to accommodate a wheelchair lift and an additional sign that
identifies the parking spaces as “van accessible.”
One out of eight accessible parking spaces,
but always at least one, must be van-accessible.
We have prepared and rehabilitated many parking lots for churches, schools and shopping centers.  Each lot has a unique set of needs to make it comply with safety standards and to be user friendly.  We take pride in our work and will not leave until the lot is user friendly and safe.
To meet these needs, 1-Way can either re-stripe or lay out new
pavement markings per customer supplied blueprints
or our recommended design.

We do it 1 Way, The right way